

Decentralized Systems and Network Services Research Group

Under the term "Decentralized Systems and Network Services" we understand distributed and networked technical systems that span over more than one administrative domain. Hence, their operation depends on more than one party. Our research focuses on:

  • Blockchains, broadcast and consensus algorithms and smart contracts
  • P2P-networks and network monitoring
  • Decentralized messaging at the example of Matrix
  • Identity Management and Access Control Systems
  • Secure and privacy-aware computing in partially trustworthy environments.


News | News Archive

Logo Bitcoin Research Day 2024Chaincode
04/04/2024: DSN takes part at Bitcoin Research Day 2024

At the Bitcoin Research Day in Fall 2024 in New York, Prof. Dr. Hannes Hartenstein and Matthias Grundmann will give a talk about our research. The talk is titled "From Monitoring Bitcoin to Verifying Lightning: Modeling Aspects of the Bitcoin Universe". Find more information at brd.chaincode.com.

Robot Table Cleaning Toy Example
15.12.2023: „How to Raise a Robot” - Extended Version on arXiv

For our SACMAT poster, there is now a follow-up extended version on arXiv under the subtitle “A Case for Neuro-Symbolic AI in Constrained Task Planning for Humanoid Assistive Robots”. We report on new experiments with the unification of robot task planning and access control via Large Language Models, and show how different levels of neuro-symbolic integration can further strengthen this unification.

Ausschnitt aus dem von Let It TEE erzeugten Graphen.
10/10/2023: "Let It TEE" - Publication at DISC'23

At the 37th International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC'23), October 9-13, 2023, in L'Aquila, Italy, we presented our work Let It TEE. We showed that the consensus algorithm DAG-Rider can be transformed using Trusted Execution Environments, such as Intel SGX, such that up to 49% of protocol participants can be malicious while progress can still be made.

SACMAT Poster Thumbnail
08/06/2023: „How to Raise a Robot“ – Poster at SACMAT'23

During the 28th ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies at the Fondazione Bruno Kessler in Trento, Italy, we have presented our poster „How to Raise a Robot - Beyond Access Control Constraints in Assistive Humanoid Robots”. In the poster, we discuss how humanoid assistive robots can be granted both the necessary level of autonomy for their versatile learning and action capabilities, and how the robots can still learn to respect various constraints such as access control and beyond. In addition to the poster and poster abstract, the publication also includes the presentation video.