ETSI STF 447 - GeoNetworking media-dependent functionality for ITS-G5

  • Ansprechperson:

    Tielert, Tessa

  • Projektgruppe:


  • Förderung:


  • Starttermin:


  • Endtermin:


Ziele der Specialist Task Force 447 (Auszug aus den Terms of Reference): 

The proposed action aims at the development of the standard for GeoNetworking media-dependent functioning for ITS G5 (TS 102 636-4-2) and will provide recommendations (change requests) to other standards. For the ETSI TS 102 636-4-2 standard development, the work includes in particular the specification of network-layer DCC and network-layer support for multi-channel operation of ITS-G5. For the recommendations/change request, the action should develop suggestions for other standards developed in TC ITS WGs 2, 3 and 4 in order to resolve dependencies of these standards with the GeoNetworking standards series.

The proposed action will allow the finalization of the last critical part of the relevant series of standards for GeoNetworking and is an important part to successfully execute the mandate M/453 and improve the overall set of standards developed by ETSI TC ITS. The overall GeoNetworking series represents the major part of the standards for the ITS Network and Transport Layer and is an important step towards the finalisation of the overall minimum set of standards.

The proposed action has two main objectives:

  1. To produce one base standard in the GeoNetworking standard series, i.e. the media-dependent functionality of GeoNetworking for ITS-G5, ETSI TS 102 636-4-2.
  2. Analyze other standards of the Minimum Set of Standards in M/453, which have interdependencies with the GeoNetworking standards series and develop recommendations (change requests) in order to resolve the dependencies among these standards.